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Artist's Statement


The joy of the process and the satisfaction when completing a piece are the reasons I make art. Art challenges and pushes me to try new things. Although the finished results may not always turn out as planned, I return to the process and the joy of creating new work. 


Creating art captures the feelings that I felt at that time. Later on, when I look at completed artwork, it brings me back to the moment when I was creating that specific piece and reminds me of the message that I tried to incorporate. There are many ways that I get inspired when making art. The world around me usually inspires my work. For instance, I drew a sketch of a robot after watching the movie “Transformers” the day before. I also get inspired from other artists’ works especially from their style of painting, materials used or the themes in a particular series. A more specific example of an artist that I was inspired by is Vincent Van Gogh who inspired me to recreate his famous painting, The Starry Night. 

In semester 2, learned a lot through creating different artworks. When working on my self portrait, I tried to show my passion for food and painting through this piece. I tried to show this by me painting food on the wall and also incorporated a younger version of myself drawing I had passion for art since I was young and I painted a mixture of Korean and American food because those were the food that I like to eat and make the most. I learned how to incorporate different materials in one piece. I also learned how to tie different pieces of artwork into one topic through the mini concentration project. 

My favorite medium is markers due to their versatility that allows them to display a large spectrum of colors and shades even with just a small set. Other mediums that I like to use are charcoal and color pencils. I used all of these mediums in several pieces in my portfolio such as the “Rearrangement of Objects,” “Lobster,” and the “Bionicle Series From Lego.” I also enjoy drawing or sketching characters and animals as shown in other pieces in my portfolio. I am currently most interested in characters development, digital art, graphics, and animation. Although I haven’t done much work digitally, it’s an area of art that I would like to experience and gain knowledge about because I want to work in the field of animation in the future. One more thing that I would like to try is using different materials in one piece. Another aspect of art that I plan to improve in is learning how to use a larger spectrum of colors, using only paint to show finer details, and in using different types of paints since I have only painted a couple times, and it was for the few projects done at school. Using observational skills that I gained from my previous experiences in art, I hope to see myself develop into a more proficient and skilled artist.

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